Sincere thanks to all who contribute financially to the Parish. We are very grateful to you for your loyal support. Special thanks to those who continue to contribute monthly through Standing order. We rely entirely on the Family Offering Envelopes and the Standing Order contributions to pay the running costs of our Church. Many thanks for your generosity.
The most efficient way of supporting the parish is through regular giving, and then registering your details with the parish office. This allows us to count upon regular income, but more importantly take advantage of our charitable status to reclaim any tax paid on this donation.
If you have any questions on the parish finances, please feel free to email in confidence at the following email address:
This email address is monitored only by the parish priest (Fr Aidan) and the Chair of the Finance Committee (Joseph Peck) and any questions will be treated in confidence.
We now have a DONATE button on the right of our Website where you can make a donation to the Parish or the Diocese.
Standing Order Forms
For anyone who would prefer to donate via Standing Order, you can contact the parish office who can send you a Standing Order form to be completed.
Once complete you can post / hand it into the parish office. By donating as little as €21 per month the parish may be able to receive a tax refund of €110 per annum.
Diocesan Collections
The First collection at Mass and the Dues collections support ALL the priests of the Diocese, including sick and retired priests. With no weekly Mass taking place throughout the Diocese, this fund (Common Fund) is close to collapse and the income of all priests has been severely cut.
The Share Collection provides essential pastoral services supporting all parishes. Share also provides support to low-income parishes and contributes to initiatives of the Irish Bishop’s Conference.
2021 Parish Finance Announcement
On the weekend of 19th and 20th November, the head of the finance committee Joseph Peck gave an overview of the parish finances with information from the accounts to the end of 2021. This information is available on the noticeboards at the back of the Church and is also being made available here on our website so that we have open and transparent information about the need for support of our parish in the future.
Balance Sheet Financial Year Ending 2021